Sunday 7 May 2017

Driving Lessons Gloucester - An Unexplained Mystery. (Mistery!)

Most people over the age of seventeen have got one. 

Most of these people have got a full one and those that haven't, badly want one. 

This desirable object is a driving licence, provisional for those that are learning to master the necessary skills, and full for those that have gone through the learning process and passed the DVSA tests to be granted the coveted full driving licence.

Whether you are in possession of a full licence, or still with provisional, you are in the company of millions of others. There are millions of driving licences of one sort or another out there.

The mystery is that licences held by men are subtley different to licences held by women.

When the DVLA process a driving licence for a woman, her title is automatically included, usually Mrs. or Miss, but when a licence is processed for a man, there is no title attached, unless it's honourific, e.g. Dr. or Rev. 

Nobody can tell from the licence the marital status of the man, so why should the marital status of the woman be displayed?

This has led to some irritation and the DVLA and the Department for Transport have been approached by some newspapers and individuals for an explanation.

The DfT have said that it is purely a matter for the DVLA, and the DVLA have apparently refused to comment. Neither will take responsibility or offer any information.

It is interesting that military licences stopped using these titles years ago.

Apparently, women can request that the title be removed by sending their licence back to the DVLA with a covering letter!

If you are planning to learn to drive in the Gloucester area, and getting your full licence at the first attempt, our driving instructors are ready and waiting!

Call John Lowe Driving.

01452 313713.

Warm Regards,
Tom & Lisa Lowe.

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