The remaining sections are: 25, Position/normal stops, 26, Awareness/planning, and 27, Ancillary controls.
Let's look at the sections in order.
25. Position/normal stops.
You will be asked to stop the car at various times on your test and you will be expected to take in all of the road features and conditions, before deciding on a suitable place each time, having properly used the MSM routine.
What can go wrong? Lots of things if you let your guard down.
Typical faults recorded:
- Pulling up in an unsafe place.
- Blocking a driveway or other entrance.
- Obstructing other drivers.
- Stopping too far from the kerb.
- Hitting or mounting the pavement when stopping.
This section is concerned with you looking ahead and anticipating what might happen and your ability to plan your actions to minimise hazards.
Typical faults recorded:
- Not anticipating that pedestrians are about to cross the road at any time.
- Not giving way to pedestrians at junctions or pedestrian crossings.
- Not anticipating that cyclists may be passing on the left or right.
- Not anticipating that cyclists are about to make a change of direction.
- Not anticipating or showing awareness of direction signals given by other drivers.
- Not anticipating or showing awareness of vehicles displaying hazard flashers.
- Not anticipating or showing awareness of vehicles reversing lights.
- Not anticipating or showing awareness of brake lights on other vehicles.
- Not anticipating the actions of other drivers changing speed or direction.
What are ancillary controls?
They are:
- Lights
- Indicators
- Windscreen wipers
- De-misters
- Heated rear windscreen
- Heater/air conditioning
- Horn
- Hazard warning lights
Well, this concludes the series on How To Pass Your Test and the Driving Test Report. Thanks for reading this far, and we hope it has been helpful, but why not take it further and book some driving lessons, we'd love to see you!
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