From Novice To Test- The Curriculum.


These notes, that we will publish on a weekly basis are for use as briefing notes only. They are in no respect intended as the definitive procedures.
Situations vary all the time and your driving instructor will help you to build your experience in real situations.
These notes. however, contain the bare bones of what CANNOT be ignored, so they are a good starting point. The notes in this series will be numbered 1-18, as listed below.
Enjoy learning to drive, it will change the way you live.
John Lowe.
  1. Controls and pre-start checks.
  2. Moving off and stopping- safe places.
  3. Approaching and turning, left and right.
  4. Emerging: zones of vision: roundabouts.
  5. Awareness and anticipation: making normal progress: adequate clearance to stationary vehicles.
  6. Meeting, crossing and overtaking other vehicles safely.
  7. One way streets.
  8. Crossroads: Pedestrian Crossings: Road markings: Use of signals.
  9. Turning in the road: Moving off on a hill.
  10. Reversing to left and right.
  11. Reverse Park: reverse into a parking bay.
  12. Dual Carriageways.
  13. Country Lanes.
  14. Emergency stop.
  15. Independent driving.
  16. Theory and hazard perception test.
  17. Mock driving test.
  18. Driving Test.

1.Controls and pre-start checks.

Cockpit Drill: D S S S M.

  • Doors: Check that doors are properly closed.
  • Seat/ Head Restraint: Adjust driving seat to see all around and reach all the controls comfortably. Adjust head restraint if necessary.
  • Steering: Can you reach comfortably? Not stretching, not cramped. Is the steering height correct?
  • Seatbelt: Ensure that you and all passengers are belted up. See Highway Code for regulations.
  • Mirrors: Adjust all mirrors for best possible view, without moving your head, not forgetting the door mirrors. Try to learn MSM: Mirror, Signal, Manouevre.
Complete the cockpit drill BEFORE moving off.

Foot Controls: A B C

  • Accelerator (Gas Pedal): The pedal on the right. Use only with your right foot. This pedal controls the rate at which fuel and air are supplied to the engine. The harder the pedal is pressed, the faster the engine will run and more power is generated. Press the pedal lightly, using gentle changes in pressure in normal driving. Easing off the pedal will normally make the car slow down.
  • Brake: The middle pedal. Use normally with your right foot. The more pressure you apply, the more the car will sloe down. Using the ball of your foot, press the pedal lightly and progressively. The rear stop lights will light up when you press the brake pedal.
  • Clutch: The left pedal. Use your left foot to operate the clutch pedal. The clutch is needed when changing gear, just before stopping and manouevring the car at low speeds. Learn and understand the BITING POINT.

Hand Controls.

Handbrake: Usually operates only the rear wheels of the car via a cable and secures the car after it has been stopped. Remember always to use the button and to avoid using the handbrake when the car is moving.

Gears: Allows the car to be driven with minimum strain on the engine, the same principal as the gears on a push bike. (Where you are the engine!) It takes practise to make smooth and unhurried gear changes.

Changing gear depends on the engine size and the load it has to move, as well as the road and traffic conditions. Learn to listen to the tone of the engine.

Steering Wheel: Used to control the direction of the car by turning the front wheels. Hold lightly but firmly in the "ten to two" or "quarter to three" position. NEVER remove both hands, do not let the wheel spin back and avoid crossing your hands or steering when the car is stationary.

Indicators: Apply M S M routine and operate without removing hands from the wheel.


Check handbrake is on and gear is in neutral.

Turn key to release steering lock.

Turn key further to illuminate warning lights.

Turn key further to operate starter.

As soon as the car engine starts, let go of the key. The warning lights should go out, investigate if they don't. To stop the engine, turn key anti- clockwise and remove it.

Moving Off and Stopping.

Mirrors, Vision and Use.
Correct and frequent use of the mirrors is essential for safe driving.
The mirrors let you know what is happening behind and beside you, which is as important as what is happening in front of you.
Use the mirrors frequently and act safely and sensibly on what you see.
Use of mirrors is essential when moving off and stopping.

Blind Spots
These are areas that the mirrors do not cover. You will sometimes need to look around, over your shoulders, especially before moving off.
Remember: you can't judge distances accurately using mirrors.

Mirrors- Signal- Manouevre (M S M)
The M S M routine is a vital subject and your driving instructor at John Lowe Driving will coach you fully on this topic.
Use the routine before signalling, moving off, changing direction, changing lanes, before accelerating, slowing down, stopping and opening the car door.

Moving Off.
Use the P O M routine.
P Prepare.
O Observe.
M Move.
Left foot, press clutch fully down. Select 1st gear. Set the gas-press the accelerator until you hear a lively, even hum.(Light pressure.)
Slowly and smoothly let the clutch pedal up to BITING POINT.
Hold both feet still.
Check mirrors, blind spots, road ahead and mirrors again. Decide if you need to signal.
When safe, release the handbrake and the car will slowly move. Let the clutch up a little more(thickness of a pound coin) and apply more gas, and as speed builds, smoothly release the clutch and steer to normal road position(about a meter from the kerb.)
Check mirrors again.
Choose suitable place and apply M S M routine.
Having signalled if necessary, steer a little towards the kerb. Move your right foot from the gas pedal and progressively apply the brake.
Just before stopping, prees the clutch fully down with your left foot. This prevents stalling, but must not be preesed too soon as this can affect steering and braking. Find out about COASTING.
Apply the handbrake, select neutral gear and cancel any signal.
DO NOT STOP.........
  • Within 10 meters of a junction.
  • Opposite a junction.
  • At a bus stop.
  • On a bend.
  • Approaching the brow of a hill.
  • Where it would restrict the road to less than 2 cars width.
  • Zigzag lines at pedestrian crossings etc.
  • School entrance.
Driving Lessons Gloucester.

Approaching and Turning Corners.

Always use: Mirrors- Signal- Position- Speed- Look (M S P S L)
Turning Left.
Check mirrors( interior and left door mirror.)
Position correctly- about a meter from the kerb.
Speed (adjust.) Ease off gas pedal, but use brake in good time to shoe stop light signal. Do not crawl to turning.
Select correct gear, usually 2nd, but 1st on a sharp corner. Use block gear changes and avoid coasting.
Look for cyclists and into the new road for pedestriansilemerging traffic and obstructions.
The point of turn is when the front of your car reaches the corner.
Check mirrors again in the new road.

Turning Right.
You will cross the path of approaching traffic. To time it safely, imagine that if you could walk across, you should be able to drive across. If in doubt, then give way.
Position as near to the centre of the road that is safe, about a tyres width.
Either stop or turn just before the centre of the side road you are turning into(allow time to steer.)
Do not cut the corner!
Look for cyclists, pedestrians, obstructions and emerging traffic.
Focus and take no risks.

Ensure that you reduce speed sufficiently on approach.
Downhill requires more brake pressure.
Uphill may require little or no brake pressure.
Remember- M S P S L
Driving Lessons Gloucester

Emerging At T- Junctions: Zones of Vision: Roundabouts.

Use M S M routine.
Manouevre is Position- Speed- Look.
Mirror- Signal- Position- Speed- Look.

Emerging is what we do at the end of a minor road to turn left or right into a major road.
You may see signs or markings, which are warnings of possible danger ahead. See the Highway Code for Give Way signs and Stop signs etc.
Watch for unmarked junctions.

Emerging Left
Check mirrors.
Position correctly about a meter from the kerb.
Speed( adjust and select correct gear.)
Look for more information. Your view may be restricted by parked cars, fences or pedestrians. The view that you have into the new road is your zone of vision.
Keep scanning right and left as you get nearer and your zone of vision will widen. When emerging, you must not cause any other vehicle to slow down, or change direction.
Remember the manouevre takes time.

Emerging Right.
You will be crossing traffic from your right and joining the flow from your left. This requires sound judgement of speed and distance. Remember, you must not affect other traffic.
Do not steer too early. Steering depends on the width of the new road and any obstructions.
Your front wheels should be straight at the Stop or Give Way line.

Open Junctions.

This is where you have visibility as you approach.

You can make a decision on the approach as to whether you are likely to be able to fit in with the traffic flow, by reducing your speed, selecting the appropriate gear in good time and joining the flow of traffic on the main road safely.
Remember- you should build your speed up to the speed of the traffic on the main road as soon as possible, as long as you can do it safely, without breaking the speed limit.

Closed Junctions.
These are junctions where there are buildings or other obstructions on the approach, preventing you from getting a full view into the main road, thus preventing you from making a decision. In such circumstances, reduce your speed on the approach to a snails pace, and just before the Give Way line, slip the gear lever into 1st.
If visibility is complete at this stage, a decision can be made to emerge.
Remember- Peep and creep.

Roundabouts allow traffic from different roads to merge or cross without necessarily stopping.
Traffic flows one way in a clockwise direction.
Priority: You normally give way to the right.
Some roundabouts have traffic lights that determine priority.
Always use M S P S L and use nearside door mirror when leaving.

Going Left.
Approach and stay on the left. Signal left throughout.
Straight On.
Approach on the left, or middle, if marked. No signal yet. Signal left when you pass the first exit.
Going right, or full circle.
Approach on the right with right signal. Stay on the right of roundabout. Signal left when you pass the exit before the one you want.
Traffic mixes on roundabouts, so use anticipation.
Beware of: Long vehicles, cyclists and horses( see highway code.)
Plan your approach,get the correct lane early.
Look early.
These basic rules apply on any roundabout, including mini-roundabouts( see highway code.)
Your driving instructor at John Lowe Driving will ensure that you are fully comfortable with all aspects of junctions and roundabouts, using the latest tuition techniques
Driving Lessons Gloucester.

Awareness and anticipation: Adequate Clearance: Making Normal Progress.

Anticipation means planning well ahead and acting promptly to changes going on around you. Always ask yourself what other road users are likely to do and how you can fit in with their actions.
This is defensive driving and it will usually prevent you being taken by surprise, prevent hazards arising, and leave you able to take action when necessary.
This requires effective use of mirrors.

Adequate Clearance.
Going past a parked car: about a meter, allow for a door to open. Slow down further if the road is narrow and does not allow for a meter.
Stopping behind a stationary car: make sure you can see their rear tyres where they touch the road.( The entire rear tyre.)- "Tyres on the tarmac."

At least as much clearance as you would give a car. Remember they wobble!

Seperation Distances from the Vehicle in Front.
Learn your stopping distances.(Highway Code.)
In good conditions, about a meter per mile per hour of speed.
Use the two second rule. If the road is wet, allow twice this gap.

Making Progress.
This means assisting the free flow of traffic by driving at an appropriate speed, within the limit, without causing frustration, inconvenience or annoyance to other road users.
This requires good forward planning. Progress must be neither too fast, or too slow for the conditions. Avoid rash decisions.

Avoid undue hesitation. If there is a safe opportunity to go, should take it. Do not necessarily wait for the road to be completely clear.
Driving Lessons Gloucester.

Meeting, Crossing and Overtaking Other Vehicles Safely.

Meeting Approaching Traffic.
This can cause a danger of conflict with other road users. The most usual situation is where there is an obstruction such as a parked car in the road ahead.
Use M S P S L. Anticipate actions of others. Give way where necessary. Do not squeeze through.

Crossing Traffic.
This usually means turning right into a side road or driveway, but the same safety principles apply when emerging to turn right. (See "Emerging at T-Junctions.)
You need less of a gap to cross and it must be timed to a larger gap when joining traffic on the far side of the road. In other words, do not affect vehicles on your left as you emerge.
Use M S P S L.
Position as close to the middle of the road that is safe.
Do not affect other drivers.
Give way to pedestrians.
Judgement-Have I got time? If you could walk across, you should be able to drive across safely.

First Rule of overtaking. Where can I pull back in safely?
Use P S L M S M.
Give adequate clearance.
Give way if necessary in a meeting situation.
Have regard for large and slow vehicles, give them a clear run.
Flashing headlights: use your own judgement.
Unsafe to overtake: bends, junctions, brow of a hill, cyclists or horses just before you turn left.
Make sure you have enough power. It may be necessary to change down a gear.
Find out when you can overtake on the left.

Remember: Is it safe?  Is it legal?  Is it within my capabilities?
Driving Lessons Gloucester

7. One Way Streets.

Traffic must travel in the direction indicated by the signs.

Buses and / or cycles may have a contra-flow lane.

Do not change lanes suddenly.

Unless road signs or markings indicate otherwise, you should use:

  • The left hand lane when going left, or left hand side, if unmarked.
  • The right hand lane when going right, or right hand side, if unmarked.
  • The most appropriate lane when going ahead.
Remember: you can overtake on the left, so expect others to overtake you on the left.

Remember: M S P S L at all times.

Sometimes road signs are turned or obscured. Look for the way the cars are facing, or the "grey" backs of 2 circular signs.(Circular signs give orders and the only time 2 appear at the end of a road is "No Entry",thus indicating the end of a one way street.)

John Lowe Driving.

8. Crossroads, Pedestrian Crossings, Road Markings, Use of Signals.

A crossroads is a junction where two roads cross, not necessarily at right angles.
There are basically two types: marked and unmarked.
Treat unmarked crossroads with utmost care, as neither road has priority. If unmarked, behave as if you are on a minor road.
Marked crossroads may have Stop or Give Way signs and road markings on the side of your road if you are on the major road, or ahead of you if you are on the minor road.
Traffic lights, or a yellow box junction may control a marked crossroads.
Whether approaching on the major or minor road, you must take effective observation. Look ahead and right, left, right.
Always use M S P S L and act upon road signs and markings.

Use of Signals.

The purpose of giving a signal is to help others, by warning them of your intentions. Signals must always be given in good time. Use only signals shown in the Highway Code. Give signals only when necessary.
Use M S M routine at all times.
Normal signals are: direction indicator and stop light. Check the five arm signals in the Highway Code.
Cancel signals once your action is completed.

Pedestrian Crossings.

There are three main types of pedestrian crossings:
  • Zebra Crossings, which are uncontrolled.
  • Supervised Crossings, which are controlled by the police, traffic wardens or "lollipop lady."
  • Traffic Light controlled, which may be at ordinary traffic lights, or under pedestrian control, such as pelican, puffin or toucan crossings.
Refer to the Highway Code and learn the different types of crossing.
Zigzag lines means that you must not overtake or stop in the zigzag area.
Avoid stopping in the studded area
Do not accelerate towards any crossing.
Look ahead, read the road for warning signs, etc., and always use the M S M routine.
Do not harass pedestrians and never beckon pedestrians across the road.

9.Reversing Into A Side Road On The Left.

If you are asked to perform this manoeuvre on your driving test, the examiner will ask you to pull up just before the side road on the left. He will then explain that he wants you to drive slowly past the end of the road, position the car and then reverse around the corner, keeping reasonably close to the kerb.

So, you should carry out these instructions, using the MSM and POM routines at all times.(Your driving instructor will have briefed you fully on these routines already.)

As you drive slowly past the end of the road, you should be checking what shape the corner is, square or round, uphill or downhill, any potholes etc., that might surprise you.
Start the manoeuvre using the POM routine.( Prepare, Observe and Move)

Turn slightly in your seat, set the gas, ease the clutch to biting point, check all around, release the handbrake and if its perfectly safe, start reversing. Use clutch control to keep the vehicle moving very slowly backwards until you reach the point of turn. That is the beginning of the corner. Start to steer left at this point, about 2/3rds of a turn for a round corner, and often to full lock on a square corner. Remember the front of your car will swing out as you turn, so full observation is essential. Remember to check all blind spots before you start to steer and if you are likely to affect any road user, you should pause until it is safe.
When you can see into the new road through the rear window, be ready to straighten the steering. Using a sticker or something similar as a focal point can be very helpful to line up with the kerb. Your driving instructor will have a reliable method to help you get used to the final position of the car.
Keep on the lookout for other road users, particularly:
  • Pedestrians about to cross behind you.
  • Vehicles approaching from any direction.

10. Reverse Parking and Reversing into a Parking Bay.

Reverse Parking.

"Pull up alongside the vehicle on ahead and then reverse back and park close to and parallel to the kerb."
This is the instruction you will receive on your driving test if you are required to reverse (parallel) park.
Provided there is a gap of at least one and a half car lengths, you can park between two vehicles using reverse gear. The car is more manouevrable in reverse.
Ask yourself: is it safe, convenient and practical?
Always use:
C A O (control, accuracy, observation)

Move alongside and parallel with the parked car, using M S M routine. Keep your footbrake applied and select reverse gear, so that following traffic can see your reversing lights. Have a good look all round, and when safe, reverse slowly back (clutch control) looking through the rear window. When the two back ends are level, apply left lock to bring your vehicle towards the kerb.
Look around, as the front will swing out.
When you see the kerb move about a third across the rear window (focal point), apply right steering lock.
Check that you are clear of the vehicle in front, and when the front of  your car slowly docks with the kerb, straighten up the front wheels, steering quickly left. Stop the car and apply handbrake and neutral. Complete the exercise within two car lengths.

Reverse into a Parking Bay (Left).

Always Use:

Pull up just past (about 2 car lengths) the parking bay you have selected, about 2 meters from it. Select reverse gear and look around . When safe, reverse slowly back (clutch control) and when the first white line of your bay appears in your nearside rear side window, (focal point), steer steadily onto left lock. As the car turns into the bay, check to your right. Use rear window observation. Judge when the car is in the bay and straighten up by steering quickly right. Do not reverse out of the bay at the rear.
Stop and apply handbrake and neutral.
Check your position by carefully opening your door to see the bay markings.
Adjust your position if necessary, by slowly moving forwards and then backwards, steering quickly to adjust.

Reverse into a Parking Bay (Right.)

Position about 2 car lengths past the bay, and and about 2 meters from it. Look over your right shoulder and you will see the bay. Reverse slowly into it after full observation, guiding the car by steering right.
When in the bay, straighten up by steering left.
Check position as before.

11. Dual Carriageways.

Driving on dual carriageways requires somewhat different skills due to the higher speeds involved. Dual carriageways can be two or three lanes and can involve speeds of up to 70 mph (national speed limit.) Driving on dual carriageways can help you to prepare for motorway driving.

Some of the main safety requirements involve:
* Effective Observation:
Early and frequent use of mirrors( M S P S L)
Blind spots (joining and leaving the road and overtaking.)
Continual re-assessment of other vehicles, especially those ahead, alongside and behind.
Scanning the near, middle and far distance.

* Judgement and Planning:
Joining from slip roads.
Adjusting speed to fit in with other traffic.
Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead (the two second rule. See Highway Code.)
Overtaking: deciding when safe, allow enough time, have you the power? Can you get back? Use M S M routine, move back without cutting in.
Anticipate when the road becomes single carriageway. Look for signs, observe far distance, reduce speed.

*Turning left from and onto dual carriageways:
Use M S M, adjust speed, judge position.

*Turning right from dual carriageways:
Planning in advance.
Getting in the correct lane.
Look for signs, markings and approach lanes.

*Turning right onto dual carriageways:
Using the central reservation.
Assessing the speed of traffic.
Assessing when safe to cross.

Driving test routes from Gloucester Driving Test Centre make frequent use of dual carriageways, with speeds of 70 mph,(national speed limit) so your driving instructor from John Lowe Driving will ensure that you are fully prepared and properly coached in this aspect of driving.

12. Country Lanes.

Country lanes differ from town roads mainly as follows:

  • The possibility of higher speeds (up to 60 mph, national speed limit.)
  • Sharper bends, more hills and greater opportunities to overtake.

Country lanes are also the most dangerous of roads to drive on, especially for younger, inexperienced drivers.

It is important to observe the road ahead, especially the middle and far distance.

Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front. Always make progress safely and deal with bends by adjusting speed and using correct positioning. Find out from your driving instructor about the "vanishing point," and make it an integral part of your driving skills.

Observe "dead ground" early enough to see vehicles disappearing from view.

Overtake safely, using effective M S M routine and by judging speed and intentions of approaching and overtaken traffic.

Bear in mind that hills affect a vehicles performance and the correct gears should be used (up and downhill.)

Consider pedestrians where there is no pavement.

Look out for horse riders and pass only when safe and in a considerate manner, using the 
M S M routine.

Use your horn where appropriate before sharp bends.

Be aware of farm buildings, slow moving vehicles, animals and mud on the road.

13. Emergency Stop.

If you are driving safely and sensibly, using M S M and anticipating well ahead, an emergency situation is considerably reduced, especially if you always follow the rule of being able to stop safely in the distance that you can see to be clear ahead.

However, emergencies do arise and so you must know how to stop your vehicle promptly and under control.

Act quickly in an emergency, and as soon as you see the danger, brake firmly. Use the rule of progressive braking. Leave the clutch pedal alone until just before stopping. This reduces the chance of skidding. If your car has anti-lock brakes (A B S), the brakes can make an almighty rumbling noise in emergency braking. This is normal. Do not release the brake pedal in alarm! The car will not stop if you do! Keep both hands firmly on the steering wheel, as the braking force throws extra weight to the front wheels. After the car has stopped, apply handbrake and neutral.


Should the car skid, ease off the footbrake and then reapply the brakes with less pressure. If the back of the car swings, steer the same way as the swing. (See Highway Code.)

After the Stop.

Apply handbrake and neutral. Before moving off again, check all around and over both shoulders, and of course, the mirrors.

14. Independent Driving.

At some point during the driving test you will have to drive independently for approximately 10 minutes. This will demonstrate to the examiner that you are able to follow verbal route directions or route direction signs, whilst still driving safely. The examiner will test you in one of three ways, these are:

  1. Road Signs
    The examiner will ask you to follow the direction signs to a specific destination until further notice e.g. 'I would like you to follow the signs towards Cheltenham and Cirencester until further notice.'
  2. Verbal directions
    The examiner will give you a number of verbal route directions to follow. He may also show you a simple diagram of the route, like the one shown below, to help you follow the directions. E.g. 'At the end of the road turn left, at the roundabout follow the road ahead, and then take the second road on the left.'
    Independent driving example
  3. Verbal directions and road signs
    The examiner may give you a combination of both direction signs and verbal directions to follow. E.g 'I would like you take the first road on the left, take the second road on the right and then follow the signs towards Painswick.
If you ask for a reminder of the directions, the examiner will confirm them to you. Driving independently means making your own decisions and, just like when driving with friends, this includes deciding when it's safe and appropriate to ask for confirmation on where you're going.

If you go off the independent driving route it won't affect the result of your test unless you commit a driving fault. If you go off the route or take a wrong turn, the examiner will help you to get back on the route and continue with the independent driving.

If there are poor or obscured traffic signs, the examiner will give you directions until you can see the next traffic sign - you won't need to have a detailed knowledge of the area. If this happens the examiner would say, 'There are no signs here. Just continue ahead please' and then, 'Now, carry on following the signs to ........'

15. Theory and Hazard Perception Test.

The Driving Theory Test

The Theory Test is a computer based multiple choice exam, which is easily operated. No computer skills are required, just a sound knowledge of driving theory.

The hazard perception part of the test is also computer based and will test your reactions to developing hazards. You will understand the requirements more fully when you start your practical lessons, as hazards are experienced frequently on the road.

There are a number of software programmes available online, to assist with preparation for both tests.

There are test centres in Gloucester and Cheltenham.

What is the Theory Test?

The test is in two parts.

  1. 50 multiple choice questions.
  2. 14 hazard video clips, each lasting about a minute. There will be 15 hazards.
You have to succeed in both parts at the same appointment to gain a pass.

Headphones are used throughout the test and both tests are on a touch screen computer.

Your driving instructor will give all assistance as will we at John Lowe Driving.

16. Introductory Mock Test.
This will be conducted from the test centre, where possible, by your own driving instructor, who will create a test atmosphere, using an element of role play. He will mark the test in the same manner as the D V S A examiner, use the same verbal expressions, and use a D V S A test route.

At the end of the test, he will debrief you and point out any weaknesses. These can be worked on in the future and it is a very effective way of focusing attention where it is needed. This introductory mock test will usually take place when you are just "scraping" test standard.

Mock Test.

This will be conducted as above, but wherever possible using a different driving instructor, giving a more realistic atmosphere, and a" fresh set of eyes".

If a reasonable standard is achieved, your driving instructor will then put you forward for your driving test.

Passing a mock test does not guarantee a pass in the official driving test.

18. The Driving Test.
At last the day arrives!

Firstly, well before the date, check that your documents are in order. You will need:

  • Your provisional licence (including the paper counterpart until it is discontinued.)
  • Any emails or correspondence from the D V S A confirming your driving test.
Your driving instructor will normally pick you up one hour before the test time, in order to allow you time to "warm up" and practise some manouevres. Remember, we are not trying to learn anything in this hour before- that has all been done- it's just a "loosener." So make sure you are properly prepared.

Your driving instructor will come with you into the test centre and give you any advice you need. The examiner will then take you for your driving test, which will be similar to the mock tests you have done.

During your driving test, read the road and keep out of trouble. Think clearly, because you will know what to do. If you think you have made a mistake, don't dwell on it, it may be a minor fault. If your manouevre is not going well, stop and adjust position (usually requires radical steering) before you touch the kerb, for example. Use full observation before adjusting. There is usually no need to completely restart the manouevre.

Be prepared, have documents in order,wear comfortable clothes and shoes and ask your driving instructor anything that will help you.


For more information on the driving test and how the test is marked, follow the link to tests & info on

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