Turning In The Road.
This manouevre is often still called a three point turn, and can be useful when you need to turn around and you can't find a side road or opening.It is important to apply the usual rules of control, accuracy and observation.
The key to this set piece is to move the vehicle slowly, while steering quickly. Top clutch control is essential.
Before you turn.
Choose a place where
- The road is wide enough.
- There are no obstructions in the road or on the pavement.
Select 1st gear and prepare to move.
Check all round, especially blind spots and give way to passing vehicles.
Turning across the road.
Move slowly forward in 1st gear, steering quickly to full right lock. Try to get the vehicle at a right angle across the road.
Just before you reach the opposite kerb, steer quickly to the left, to set up your wheels for the reverse part. You should then stop the car before it reaches the kerb. Apply the handbrake if necessary.
To Reverse.
Select reverse gear and prepare to move.
Check it is clear all round. Looking over your left shoulder, through the rear window, ease the car slowly across the road, steering quickly to full left lock. As the car nears the kerb, look over your right shoulder, and steer quickly to the right. Stop the car and your wheels should be pointing to the right, ready for the next part.
Driving forward again.
Select first gear, check it is safe and drive forward. Straighten up on the left hand side of the road.
All round observation is essential.
Your Driving Instructor at John Lowe Driving School will coach you fully on this and any other manouevres.