In this post we will look at how the approach to this major change will be handled by the driving instructors here at John Lowe Driving.
Firstly, we need to get some facts straight!
Motorway driving will not become part of the driving test and this has nothing to do with the driving test changes that are coming on December 4th 2017.
The DVSA are allowing motorway use for learners to ensure that more drivers can use the motorways properly and safely.
However there are conditions attached!
Learner drivers will have to be accompanied by a fully qualified approved driving instructor in a dual-controlled car, displaying "L" plates. Trainee driving instructors will not be able to offer motorway lessons, nor will friends and family.
Motorway lessons will not be compulsory and it will be up to the approved driving instructor to decide if the student is competent enough to use the motorway, but will never pressurise anybody to have a motorway lesson, it will be completely voluntary.
Our driving instructors will ensure the following is incorporated in motorway lessons:
- Full two way discussion on motorway procedures.
- Joining and leaving the motorway.
- Use of lanes and lane discipline.
- Overtaking safely.
- Use of speed. Reminder that motorway speeds can vary. Students from the Gloucester area will have already practised a lot on the local dual carriageways, so getting up to speed will not be too challenging.
- Dealing with breakdowns and the use of the hard shoulder. How to find and use emergency phones. Reminder that the hard shoulder is sometimes used as a lane.
- Safely dealing with spray in wet weather. The instructor will decide on the safety of a motorway lesson if the weather is poor.
- How to use the 2 second rule.
- Motorway signs.
Don't be one of them!
Have your driving lessons with John Lowe Driving and get the full package.
Call us on 01452 313713.
Click this link for the DVSA information.
Warm Regards,
Tom Lowe.